Ketogenic Diet Basics

If you’re already familiar with the ketogenic diet, skip directly to the meal plan below.

For the rest, here’s what you need to know about the keto diet in a nutshell:

  • The ketogenic diet is a low carb diet that forces your body into a metabolic state. Basically, your body becomes a fat-burning machine and uses fat (and not carbohydrates) as a main source of energy.
  • The keto diet relies on the principle of Ketosis: A natural process that happens within the human body when resources are scarce. Your body uses fat to produce ketones and feed your body (and brain).
  • Because you eat fewer carbs and rely on ketosis, your insulin will go down, and you will burn more fat.
  • The ketogenic diet helps you to eat less naturally, and to lose weight while being full of energy, due to the satiating power of healthy fat sources.

And if you wish to know more about the ketogenic diet and how it can help you lose weight, click here for a detailed guide.

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Keto Diet Rules

Yes, I know: You hate rules. And I do, too.

But if you’re serious about losing weight, and you want results fast (losing 10 pounds in a week), there’s no way around it: you must be very strict with what you put into your mouth.

The ketogenic diet rules are not hard to follow, and I’d say one of the main highlights of the keto diet is that the meals are so delicious and it’s easy to eat the right ingredients.

Without further ado, here are the basic rules you should follow at all time:

  1. Reduce your caloric intake. Keto makes it easier for you to eat less because it makes you feel full, but if you want to lose weight fast, you must count your calories.
  2. Eat much fewer carbs. Carbohydrates should amount for a maximum of 10% of your energy intake. Remember, this is a low-carb diet.
  3. Consume a lot of healthy fat sources. Fat should amount to 70-80% of your caloric intake. The rest will be protein.
  4. Prefer these fat sources: Avocados, fatty fish, chia seeds, nuts, coconut oil, olive oil, flaxseeds, walnuts, sunflower seeds. Meat fat and chicken fat are also good sources of fat. A good rule of thumb is to eat unprocessed fats, coming from the most natural ingredients possible. (I love bacon, but it’s not particularly great in that regard).

List of Foods You Can Eat on The Ketogenic Diet

The first step is to cut out on carbs. Try to aim for 20 to 30 grams of carbohydrates per day, maximum. Make fats a big part of your diet, and consume some healthy proteins. Stock up on low carb foods, and if there are some low-carb veggies and fruits you love, feel free to use and abuse them!

Without further ado, here’s a low-carb food list for the keto diet:

  1. Avocado
  2. Eggs
  3. Hard Cheese
  4. Coconut Oil
  5. Olive Oil
  6. Beef
  7. Chicken and Turkey
  8. Fish and Fatty Fish
  9. Seafood
  10. Zucchini
  11. Tomato
  12. Broccoli
  13. Bell peppers
  14. Cauliflower
  15. Eggplant
  16. Pork
  17. Macadamias
  18. Almonds and Walnuts
  19. Butter and Nut Butter
  20. Cabbage
  21. Lettuce
  22. Green Beans
  23. Greek Yogurt

List of Foods Not To Eat on the Ketogenic Diet

Now that we know what to eat on the keto diet, it’s time to see which foods you should try to avoid completely. These are mostly foods that are filled with sugar and carbohydrates and include the most popular starches, like bread, pasta, rice, and pizza. These foods make your diet much less efficient and ruin your weight loss efforts.

  1. Bread
  2. Pizza
  3. Pasta
  4. Rice
  5. Oatmeal
  6. Potatoes
  7. Soda and Juices
  8. Chocolate
  9. Candy
  10. Chips
  11. Cookies
  12. Artificial Sweeteners (Yes, you’ve been lied to).
  13. Milk
  14. Alcohol
  15. Quinoa
  16. Wheat
  17. Barley
  18. Beans
  19. Maple syrup

7-Day Ketogenic Diet Plan to Lose Weight Fast

Starting a new diet can sometimes seem like a daunting process. The 7-day keto weight loss plan that follows will help you make the transition easier and lose weight fast.

Once you have completed it, and if you’re craving for more, you can check this weekly keto weight loss plan. You can start a free 7-day trial and it will allow you to easily plan meals and stay in ketosis without thinking about it too much.

After all, wouldn’t it be much better to reach your weight loss goals without spending 5 hours per day thinking about what you should eat, when to eat, what to avoid, how to cook, meal recipes, and so on and so forth?

That said, if you’re not ready to invest in anything yet, just use the recipes that follow, and let’s kickstart your ketogenic diet.

Ketogenic Breakfast Recipes

Keto Homefries With Cauliflower | Wicked Stuffed

Keto Grain-Free Hemp Heart Porridge | Healthful Pursuit

Avocado & Egg Fat Bombs | Keto Diet Blog

Keto Pancakes with Berries and Whipped Cream | Diet Doctor

Keto BLT with Oopsie Bread | Diet Doctor

Sausage, Egg & Cheese Low-Carb Sandwich | Tasteaholics

Low-Carb Pancakes | Tasteaholics

Ketogenic Lunch Recipes

Dijon Herb Salmon Salad | Healthful Pursuit

Thai Chicken Soup | All Day I Dream About Food

Keto Mug Lasagna |

Grilled Tomatoes with Apricot Jam | Tasteaholics

Keto Brunch Spread | Perfect Keto

Avocado Egg Bowls | Perfect Keto

Wicked Good Butter Burgers | Wicked Stuffed

Ketogenic Dinner Recipes

Creamy Tuscan Garlic Chicken | Recipe Critic

Zucchini Pasta with Chicken & Pistachios | Happy Body Formula

Cauliflower Fried Rice | Pure Wow

Southwestern Pork Stew | A Sweet Life

Broiled Salmon | Delish

Easy Chicken Tomato Zoodles | Healthy Laura

20-minute Low-Carb Turkey and Peppers | Healthy Seasonal Recipes

Bonus: Ketogenic Snacks

Ideally, you should try not to eat between meals. But if you’re going to fall for some snack, I’d rather give you a list of low-carb keto snacks instead of you rushing toward a bag of chips or a candy bar.

This article contains 17 healthy keto snacks you can make in 5 minutes to lose weight fast.

I hope you will actually follow this 7-day keto diet plan so you can lose weight fast, slim down and be filled with energy. Once you feel great after the first week, remember to invest in your next step of growth so you can keep losing weight and maintain your weight loss.

That’s it! Feel free to Pin It so you can come back later and follow this great 7-day keto meal plan!

You’ll Love These Keto In Five Cookbooks!

Keto in Five

As you already know, the key to success is simplicity and satisfaction with your diet. I’ve been on Keto for a long time now, and these are the best e-cookbooks I could ever put my hands on: Breakfast in Five, Lunch in Five, Dinner in Five & Dessert in Five.

Each ebook contains 30 recipes. Every recipe is made with just 5 ingredients and has up to 5 grams of net carbs. That means you can have seconds of any meal and you’ll still be within your daily carb limit!

If you’re ready to invest a small amount of money to get your precious time and pleasure back, be sure to check it out.