Need some protein and energy for breakfast? Try these easy healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss to burn fat and get a flat belly.

Some people turn to smoothie recipes because they’re looking for an easy way to be healthier and lose weight.

For me, it’s also because I’m lazy and don’t like to cook… Or at least, I’d rather not cook every day, 3 times a day.

So, I’ve put together a list of 7 smoothie recipes (so, for the whole week) for people looking to get their health back, reach their weight loss goals by burning fat (and not water), finally get a flat belly and save time.

I hope you enjoy them :).

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1. Key Lime Pie Protein Shake

Full recipe here.

This key lime pie protein shake is absolutely perfect as a breakfast or snack, and contains a ridiculous amount of protein.

The reason it’s #1 is because it tastes wonderfully great despite being super-healthy. Honestly, you can’t find any better smoothie than this one.

2. Healthy Coffee Banana Smoothie Recipe

Full recipe here.

This coffee banana smoothie is absolutely perfect for breakfast. It makes sure you get a huge energy boost and are satiated at the same time.

If you like the caffeine boost in the morning and you also like delicious smoothies filled with protein, this one’s for you.

Absolutely delicious.

3. French Toast Protein Shake

Full recipe here.

This protein shake is so clever: combining the taste of french toast and cinnamon, directly in one protein-filled smoothie.

Do I need to say this one is particularly great for breakfast?

4. Key Lime Pie Smoothie

Full recipe here.

This key lime pie smoothie is filled with healthy fruits and makes for a perfect snack or breakfast.

Nobody would consider eating a pie healthy, yet this smoothie is one of the healthiest you could ever find. Great if you like dessert but don’t like the calories that come with it so much.

5. Carrot Pear Lavender Smoothie

Full recipe here.

This smoothie is great if you like to eat (or drink) some veggies. The fruits help give it a sweet and delicious taste, while the vegetables make it super healthy and great to lose weight.

If you’re looking for a complete meal (lunch or dinner, you choose), this smoothie is for you.

6. Raw Banana Bread Shake Recipe

Full recipe here.

Instead of banana bread, why not try this delicious smoothie? It’s actually much healthier and will surely blow your mind away.

Try it and tell me how it went ;).

7. Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Breakfast Shake

Full recipe here.

This protein shake is probably one of the most complete and tasty smoothies there are.

What’s not to love: chocolate, peanut butter, and banana… you can hardly ever eat something tastier than that.

That said, it’s not as great for weight loss as the other shakes in this article. Try not to make it more than once a week for optimal results.

That’s it! Don’t forget to Pin It so you can come back later and make these delicious, easy and healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss!

You’ll Love These Keto In Five Cookbooks!

Keto in Five

As you already know, the key to success is simplicity and satisfaction with your diet. I’ve been on Keto for a long time now, and these are the best e-cookbooks I could ever put my hands on: Breakfast in Five, Lunch in Five, Dinner in Five & Dessert in Five.

Each ebook contains 30 recipes. Every recipe is made with just 5 ingredients and has up to 5 grams of net carbs. That means you can have seconds of any meal and you’ll still be within your daily carb limit!

If you’re ready to invest a small amount of money to get your precious time and pleasure back, be sure to check it out.